Vizcarra, a prison world under the Galactic Empire's control, was situated in the Cegul sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It is notable as the birthplace of the Wookiee named Syychi, who later faced enslavement by the Empire. Syychi, along with Memcha-Badawzi, a smuggler imprisoned on Vizcarra, once made their escape from an enslaver starship en route to the planet. Similarly, Tait Ransom, another smuggler, managed to flee detention on Omman Minor in 2 BBY, preventing his transfer to Vizcarra.
Within the Vizcarra system, nestled within the Cegul sector of the Outer Rim Territories, lay Vizcarra, a terrestrial planet. During the Imperial Era, under the Galactic Empire's reign, it functioned as an Imperial prison facility.

The Wookiee named Syychi first experienced life on Vizcarra, as it was where she was born. This led to her being subjected to Imperial exploitation and enslavement from an early age. Around 2 BBY, the smuggler Tait Ransom was apprehended by Imperial forces on Omman Minor, a planet situated in the Kibilini sector, for the unlawful handling of armor and weapons. While in the holding cells of Omman Minor's Bureau of Customs in 2 BBY, Ransom informed his fellow detainees, Karl Mathieu Ancher, Drake Paulsen, and Nikaede Celso, that he was scheduled for transfer to Vizcarra. Nevertheless, the group managed to break free from their confinement and escape the planet.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Twi'lek smuggler known as Memcha-Badawzi received a sentence of imprisonment on Vizcarra for her involvement in smuggling spice and suspected collaboration with the Rebel Alliance. She embarked on a lengthy journey to Vizcarra aboard an enslaver starship, where Syychi was also a passenger. With the assistance of other prisoners, the pair successfully overpowered the ship's crew, leading to their escape.
The short story "When the Domino Falls," penned by Patricia A. Jackson, marked the first mention of Vizcarra. It appeared in the August 1994 third issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal, a magazine published by West End Games. In 2009, the reference book The Essential Atlas located the Vizcarra system, and consequently the planet itself, within grid square L-20.