Vistal Purn

Vistal Purn once held the position of pilot for the renowned Millennium Falcon.


Vistal spent his childhood on Generis, residing on a remote ranch owned and managed by his parents. This ranch was situated alongside a vigorous section of the Atrivis River. While the nearest city was a four-day journey by foot, most patrons opted to pay extra for transportation via Airspeeder. By the age of twelve, Vistal was entrusted with the responsibility of transporting guests to and from the ranch, as well as overseeing all necessary maintenance and care for the speeder.

His ambition was to become a Starship pilot. Rather than enrolling in an Imperial Academy and dedicating years to flying TIE Series fighters for the Imperial Navy, Vistal chose a civilian route, securing apprenticeships with various shipping and commercial enterprises. Subsequently, he was employed by the Molpol's Traveling Circus to pilot a Light freighter.

The light freighter that Vistal was assigned to was the Millennium Falcon. Much to his surprise, the Falcon was already an integral part of Molpol's fleet. He developed a strong affinity for the Falcon, but he was even more drawn to a young aerialist named Sari Danzer. Vistal invited Sari to travel aboard the Falcon during a three-day realspace transit between the third and seventh planets in the system. In preparation, he meticulously cleaned the ship to perfection. He even convinced Dax Doogun to install a Dejarik hologame table, and all of his efforts were rewarded when she accepted his offer.

As Vistal and Sari began a romantic dinner, Pirates piloting the Blazing Claw launched an assault. The pirates commandeered the C-9979 landing craft, abandoning all of the circus animals on the planet. With the Falcon being the largest available vessel, Vistal assumed the task of transporting the animals back to Delphon over several trips. This act of kindness caused Sari to fall in love with him, and they subsequently married. After departing the circus, Vistal discovered that he had lost his passion for piloting. Instead, he cultivated an appreciation for animals. He worked as a ringmaster for several other circuses and then he eventually found his way into judging pet shows.

