Virtual Happiness was a well-known virtual-reality vacation company located on the capital world of Coruscant. It was one of several Galactic City businesses that specialized in sim-voyages.
Following its closure in 24 BBY, the now-abandoned building was occupied by galactic criminals Granta Omega, Jenna Zan Arbor, and the Slam gang. They falsely claimed they were starting a new business, but in reality, they used the location as a secret hideout, or safe house, to prepare for a major operation against the Republic. These criminals planned a diversion: to steal crystalline vertex from a Republic account called the All Planets Relief Fund. This fund was specifically for planets in need that had successfully requested help, bypassing the usual bureaucratic delays that often slowed down urgent planetary aid. The theft was planned to coincide with the end of the fund's opening ceremony, when the vertex was to be moved to a Bank of the Core vault.
This diversion was intended to draw the Senate Guard away from the Senate Building, which was the real target. Their actual goal was the assassination of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, along with as many targeted Senators as possible. They planned to use an army of programmed seeker droids, numbering in the hundreds, to carry out the killings. However, the Jedi intervened and stopped the attack, preventing further bloodshed. Despite their efforts, 45 Senators, Senatorial aides, and guards, plus a civilian (the former Romin tyrant Roy Teda), were killed before the situation was resolved.