Vilas, a male Dathomirian from the Great Canyon Clan residing on Dathomir, possessed sensitivity to the Force. He was a student of the Nightsister Vonnda Ra, who ultimately commended him as her finest male apprentice.
Vonnda Ra eventually took Vilas with her to assist in the recruitment of members from other Dathomir witch clans. She showcased the immense power accessible through the dark side of the Force, using him to manipulate the local weather in a striking demonstration.
It's possible Vilas secretly loved Garowyn. Whenever she visited Dathomir for her frequent supply runs, he eagerly assisted her in unloading the cargo. However, his feelings remained unreciprocated, either because he didn't express them or she didn't notice.
In time, Vilas honed his skills to the point where he could leave Dathomir to study at the Shadow Academy, where Tamith Kai chose him as her apprentice. During the Raid on Coruscant, Vilas accompanied Tamith Kai and Garowyn to the planet's undercity, where they enlisted or kidnapped several underprivileged youths to bolster the ranks of the Second Imperium. Among their recruits was a young man named Zekk.
Vilas and Zekk eventually became rivals, vying for the title of Darkest Knight within the Shadow Academy. In a final showdown within a zero-gravity combat arena, Vilas mocked Zekk's past as a "trash collector" and asserted his own superiority. Attempting to deceive Zekk, Vilas lunged in for the final blow, but Zekk's heightened senses prevailed, leading to Vilas's demise. He was cut in half.