Vikar Dorn, hailing from Munto Codru, was a Human governor who once served the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Later, he would pledge his loyalty to Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire during the Second Imperial Civil War.
Although Vikar Dorn previously served the Galactic Alliance, he continued in his role during the reign of the Sith Empire. This was because the Empire needed the Alliance's established bureaucratic system to govern the galaxy in the aftermath of the Sith–Imperial War. Dorn's son held the rank of captain aboard the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer known as the Dauntless.

In the year 137 ABY, Darth Maladi, a Sith Lady, manipulated Dorn in an effort to infiltrate Bastion. The plan involved using Dorn's defection, along with that of the entire Dauntless crew, as a ruse to allow Darth Kruhl to assassinate Roan Fel. However, Kruhl's mission was a failure, and Roan Fel personally slew the Sith Lord. Following the discovery of this betrayal, Emperor Fel ordered the execution of the entire Dauntless crew, sparing only Governor Dorn.
Dorn was then jettisoned in an escape pod near ships loyal to Krayt, eventually making his way back to Coruscant with Kruhl's lightsaber in his possession. After explaining the events to Lady Maladi and assuring her that he had not divulged any information to others, the Sith Lady killed him.