Vibrobayonets, which can also be seen written as vibro-bayonet, functioned as a vibroblade bayonet. These devices could be affixed to the barrel of blaster rifles and pistols, effectively converting them into melee weapons. During the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic supplied the Mimbanese Liberation Army with these weapons. The people of Mimban continued to utilize this [vibro weapon](/article/vibro-weapon], along with other equipment from the Army, for many years afterward, often until the weapons were unusable. Baroosh Pawk, a Cloud-Rider, was also known to carry a vibrobayonet attached to his DH-17 blaster pistol. Vibrobayonets proved particularly advantageous for individuals who used blasters that were susceptible to malfunctions or short circuits, such as those employed by the Kanjiklub criminal syndicate. The modifications they made to their blasters increased their lethality, but also made them more likely to short out.