On the planet Vena, a faction known as the Vena isolationists stood in opposition to Baroness Omnino's effort to integrate with the Galactic Republic. To prevent the Isolationists from shadowing Omnino to Coruscant in 37 BBY, Sei Taria, who was Staff Aide to the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, implemented certain safeguards.
The Venans, descendants of early Hapan explorers, traditionally maintained an independent and isolationist stance regarding their system. Even with a positive relationship and occasional trade with the neighboring Hapes Cluster, they remained separate from the Galactic Republic.
Around 57 BBY, the historical position of Vena shifted due to Baron Kindoro and Baroness Omnino ascending to power. Having previously served as ambassadors to both Coruscant and Alderaan, Kindoro and Omnino were inspired by their interactions with outsiders to enact economic deregulation and pursue an active foreign policy. This included forging trade agreements aimed at providing the Venan royal family with easy access to various goods.
This significant change sparked resentment among many Venans, who felt that the economic opening only benefitted the royal family. The common people began demanding a return to isolationism and traditional values. In response, the regents imprisoned the leaders of the movement and sent them to forced labor camps, rather than yield to the public's demands. These actions escalated tensions and fostered the rise of terrorism and sabotage directed at the Venan nobility.
The conflict intensified following Kindoro's death, as Baroness Omnino proved to be even more ruthless than her late husband. She engaged in a bloody war against her own people for years, until her own demise in 37 BBY.