Veela Ordo

Veela Ordo was a Mandalorian female and the wife of Canderous Ordo. Following Mandalore the Ultimate's death at the hands of the Jedi Knight known as Revan, Clan Ordo disintegrated. Veela believed Canderous was the clan's most formidable warrior and deserved to become the next Mandalore. Instead, he chose self-imposed exile. This abandonment deeply hurt his wife and their clan, leading her to assume leadership. Two years after the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, Veela encountered Canderous again during his quest to locate Mandalore's Mask. She and her clansmen had established a camp on the snowy world of Rekkiad. She then accompanied Revan (using the alias "Avner") and Canderous to the Twin Spears in their search for Mandalore's mask. Veela and Canderous slowly began to mend their relationship. However, upon learning Revan's true identity, she plotted to assassinate him as revenge for the suffering inflicted upon the Mandalorian people. Veela implored Canderous to rejoin the clan, but when he refused to betray Revan, she commanded her followers to eliminate them both. In the subsequent firefight, Veela was fatally struck in the heart by a blaster shot fired by her husband.

