Vasp Vaspar

A human male politician named Vasp Vaspar represented the Taldot sector within the Imperial Senate. He was also part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, where he held the position of Minister of Industry in the Alliance Cabinet, which was a component of the Alliance Civil Government. Despite his cautious nature, he wasn't against armed conflicts, but he doubted the Alliance's ability to destroy the Empire's planet-destroying Death Star.


During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Vasp Vaspar served as a politician representing the Taldot sector in the Imperial Senate. He was known for his opposition to the harshest policies enacted by Emperor Palpatine. By 3 BBY, Vaspar frequently attended banquets on Alderaan hosted by Bail and Breha Organa, the viceroy and queen of the planet. These gatherings secretly functioned as planning sessions for rebellion against the Empire.

Simultaneously serving in the Imperial government, he also held membership in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and held the role of Minister of Industry within its Civil Government. This position placed him within the Alliance Cabinet, operating under the leadership of its Chief of State, Chancellor Mon Mothma. His responsibilities included attending classified Alliance Cabinet meetings that addressed topics such as the Death Star and Operation Fracture.

In his capacity as Minister of Industry, Vaspar was responsible for the management of the Rebel Alliance's crucial, yet limited, resources. His role made him more risk-averse compared to some of his fellow Alliance Cabinet members, although he did not oppose engaging in open conflict with the Empire when necessary. However, upon learning about the Death Star, an Imperial superweapon with the capability to obliterate entire planets, he expressed his disbelief in the Alliance's ability to successfully attack the battle station.

Following the dissolution of the Imperial Senate, he, along with fellow former Senators Nower Jebel and Tynnra Pamlo, escaped to a secure Alliance world.

Personality and traits

Vasp Vaspar was a human male characterized by black hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and a fair complexion. His attire featured red lining, signifying his involvement in the Battle of Balamak.

Vaspar voiced significant concerns regarding the safety of Yavin 4 due to its wildlife, and it was noted that he persistently requested a personal [force field](/article/force_field]. Mon Mothma made efforts to alleviate his worries, but she instructed her aide to exercise discretion when declining his requests for an audience, as they were not always as critical as Vaspar portrayed them to be.

Behind the scenes

Vasp Vaspar originated as a character conceived for the 2016 anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. In the movie, he is portrayed by Fares Fares, a Swedish-Lebanese actor. The character's repeated first name was inspired by the actor's name, which has a similar redundancy.

