Vallaido Clan

The Vallaido Clan, alternatively referred to as the Vallaido pirate clan, constituted a band of pirates who were active throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War.


The Valla's Glorious Gesture served as the primary vessel for the Vallaido's piratical activities. Children within the Vallaido group commenced their piratical training by manning the turbolasers on the Gesture. Siro Simito, a Human, was once part of the clan; however, he departed after determining that the pirate lifestyle was not for him, subsequently becoming a starship racer. Later, the Vallaido fleet suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of a joint force comprising the Galactic Empire and the Seville pirate clan.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (Initial mention)
  • Pirates & Privateers (First instance of being named Vallaido Clan)

Notes and references
