Valen Korik, a Human Mandalorian bounty hunter of the male persuasion, achieved renown in both the Sith Empire and Mandalorian circles during the era of the Cold War. Transgressing the established Mandalorian-Imperial pact, he perpetrated the deaths of a pair of Sith Lords situated in Kaas City on the planet Dromund Kaas. Consequently, he and his followers sought refuge in the Dark Temple, only to be overtaken by the resident spirits. Ultimately, Imperial spacefarers entering the temple brought about his demise.
Valen Korik, the focus of the Heroic mission titled "Possessed Hunter" located on Dromund Kaas, was initially removed from the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, along with the rest of the mission. Nonetheless, Game Update 4.0, released on October 20, 2015, reinstated the mission into the game.