
Ur'Loach, a male general in the service of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, was regarded as an intimidating enforcer for Count Dooku. During the conflict, near the Maw Cluster, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker successfully captured Ur'Loach. Subsequently, he was incarcerated within The Prism, alongside other detainees that the Jedi Order considered extremely dangerous.

Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent Gentis coup, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, along with Moff Trachta and Lieutenant Laurita Tohm, journeyed to the Prism. Their objective was to discover a secure location where they could administer aid to the critically injured Emperor Palpatine. Believing they could place their trust in none within the Empire, Vader orchestrated Ur'Loach's release. He then became a participant in a brutal test designed by Vader to assess which prisoners possessed the worthiness to join the New Order.

In the midst of the confrontation, Ur'Loach launched an assault on Lieutenant Tohm, gaining the upper hand. He seized the human's arm and blaster, coiling his lengthy, prehensile tongue around Tohm's throat. Ur'Loach pulled Tohm closer, dislodging the blaster and intending to sever the young man's head, a characteristic inclination of his. Unbeknownst to Ur'Loach, fellow Separatist and prisoner Shonn Volta utilized the Force to draw Tohm's blaster towards herself. With a precise shot, she struck Ur'Loach directly in his gaping mouth, splitting his head in two and killing him instantly.

