A female Wookiee, a member of the Citizen Guard, served on the Sith-controlled Arkadianate during the era of the Republic Dark Age; she was a female. Like many citizens of the Arkadianate, she experienced various job assignments throughout her life, a result of Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra's initiative to diversify her subjects' work experience. In 1032 BBY, she was stationed at Embarkation Station 7, where Arkadia had readied a modified shuttle for transporting her younger brother, Quillan, along with Narsk Ka'hane, a Bothan spy, to the covert location of Vilia Calimondra. Arkadia intended to utilize Narsk to assassinate Vilia using a nerve toxin gas canister concealed within Quillan's hoverchair.
However, Narsk was secretly in league with Vilia. Arkadia instructed the Wookiee Guard to escort the Bothan into a concealed engine area. Yet, Narsk outmaneuvered and incapacitated the Wookiee by deceiving her with his stealth suit, rendering her unconscious. Following this, he made his escape from Syned aboard the shuttle with Quillan, having exchanged Quillan's hoverchair. He left the original hoverchair, containing the lethal nerve toxin canister, and activated it, resulting in the deaths of the ground crew before they could thwart his departure. The nerve toxin claimed the life of the female Wookiee Guard, whose remains were later discovered by Arkadia after the Siege of Calimondretta.