This squadron leader of Vibroaxe Squadron, a Devaronian male, served as its pilot.
Vibroaxe Squadron, initially a pirate organization, was employed by the Warlord known as Zsinj for a specific undertaking. During Zsinj's raid on Kuat, Prime's squadron sustained significant damage, with vehicle losses exceeding 80 percent and personnel losses reaching 50 percent. Following the conflict, Prime expressed his anger towards Zsinj, as he felt misled into believing their target was Coruscant. Prime argued that he could have utilized the time spent in simulators preparing for X-Wings and Y-wings more effectively by training in TIE Interceptors and TIE/LN starfighters. He insisted on receiving payment in physical resources, rather than merely datacards containing account numbers, even after Zsinj promised him half the contents of the accounts linked to the datapads.