Unidentified Twi'lek 2 (Ambush in Cloud City)

A male Twi'lek criminal and additional outlaws joined the Trandoshan headhunter Bossk on Bespin, specifically at Cloud City, a resource extraction colony located on that world. In the year 1 ABY, Dominic Raynor, who formerly possessed the settlement, engaged Bossk to either seize or eliminate Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian. Calrissian had gained control of the city from Raynor through a sabacc match, but the previous owner alleged that Calrissian had cheated. Under Bossk's direction, his team gained access to the city and organized a trap for Calrissian on one of the maintenance levels. Although the Baron Administrator was lured to the location and immediately came under assault by the Twi'lek and his associates, he escaped the trap through a vehicle bay with the assistance of his security personnel.


During 1 ABY, amid the Galactic Civil War, a male Twi'lek operated as a felon. That year, Dominic Raynor, the one-time Baron Administrator of Cloud City, lost his resource extraction city in a sabacc game to the skilled gambler Lando Calrissian. Raynor, claiming foul play, hired Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, to either capture or kill Calrissian as an act of vengeance. Aware of the challenge in capturing Calrissian, Bossk reached out to several soldiers of fortune and assassins, inviting the Twi'lek, another scoundrel of the same species, a Duros mercenary, and a Quarren assassin to join the pursuit.

The Twi'lek and his comrades devised a trap to seize Calrissian on one of the city's maintenance levels. Bossk breached the city's communications system, impersonating the chief engineer to inform Calrissian about an impending failure of a primary repulsorlift pod—a failure that would devastate the entire floating city. Consequently, Calrissian, accompanied by his Twi'lek bodyguard and four Bespin Wing Guards as a precaution, went to the maintenance level to inspect the pod.

Bossk instructed his allies to remain hidden but visible to draw Calrissian out. Uncertain of which turbolift Calrissian would use, the Twi'lek and the others positioned themselves in each room near the lifts. As Calrissian and his guard entered the maintenance level, a blast door sealed behind them, and the improvised hunting party commenced firing on the Baron Administrator's guards, aiming to quickly eliminate them and capture Calrissian alive. Wielding a long dagger, the Twi'lek engaged his adversaries, who chose to delay their enemies to allow Calrissian to escape through a nearby hangar. A member of Calrissian's team sent a distress signal, and another group of Wing Guards arrived to aid the Baron Administrator, who successfully fled the conflict.

Behind the scenes

The Twi'lek scoundrel's figurine

The Twi'lek was featured in Sore Loser's Revenge, a Wizards.com online roleplaying scenario penned by Eric Cagle for the Star Wars Miniatures collectible tabletop strategy game in 2004. He was represented by a generic Twi'lek Scoundrel miniature figurine from the Miniatures set Rebel Storm. The character's fate hinges on the players' decisions. During gameplay, players control every character; one controls Calrissian's squad, while the opponent controls Bossk's squad, including the Twi'lek. An alternative ending exists where the Twi'lek's group overcomes the Baron Administrator's escorts and captures Calrissian. However, the short story Lando Calrissian: Idiot's Array has rendered this ending non-canonical by depicting Calrissian unharmed and free shortly after Bossk's ambush.


  • Sore Loser's Revenge on Wizards.com (backup link) (original site is defunct) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
