Unidentified Tusken Raider craftsman

A male Tusken Raider, identified by his gender, functioned as the artisan responsible for creating gaderffii sticks for a particular Tusken clan residing in the Dune Sea region of Tatooine. After proving their worthiness to wield such a weapon, he instructed tribe members in the art of stick creation. His workplace was an open-air workshop situated in the shadow cast by a derelict starship. In 5 ABY, following the bounty hunter's demonstration of allegiance to the tribe, he imparted his gaffi-crafting knowledge to Boba Fett. The Tusken observed Fett closely as he painstakingly shaped his weapon from a Wortwood tree branch. With the craftsman's eye overseeing the process, Fett fashioned his individual gaderffii stick, ultimately earning the endorsement of an experienced Tusken warrior within the tribe. During the gaderffii stick's construction, he utilized a Tusken Adze.

Behind the scenes

This craftsman was featured in "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine," the second installment of The Book of Boba Fett, a series available on Disney+. Steph Green directed the episode, which premiered on January 5, 2022.

