Ebareebaveebeedee, the King of the Squib species, announced a pact of shared assistance with the Alliance to Restore the Republic subsequent to a group of Rebel operatives assisting the Squibs in retrieving a gravity well projector from the Paradise system, the primary domain of the Squibs' adversaries, the Ugors. This agreement was conveyed through a secured datapack, which the Rebels were directed to keep unopened until its delivery to their commanding officers within the Alliance. Following the successful completion of their task, the Rebels complied, resulting in the projection of a sizable holographic representation of Ebareebaveebeedee, who then formally swore to the pact. Spilferithimus-narlamos, a Squib diplomat, verified the accord, and the Squibs anticipated the signature of Mon Mothma, the Rebel leader, to finalize the alliance. The king further stipulated that the Rebel operatives who had provided assistance to the Squibs should be designated as ambassadors to his species, a role that granted them unique entitlements and preferential discounts from the Squibs.