A scavenger, who was human, existed during the age of the High Republic Era. The scavenger journeyed through a forest located on the planet Khofar, situated in the Outer Rim, in the year 132 BBY. This trek was undertaken alongside another individual who was also a scavenger. It was there that the two scavengers came upon the Wookiee Jedi named Kelnacca, who was positioned outside of a wrecked starship that the Jedi was utilizing as a shelter. The first scavenger then brandished his blaster at Kelnacca, but was forced to flee when Kelnacca employed the Force to extract the weapon from his hands.

A human operated as a scavenger in the High Republic Era. This particular individual, together with another scavenger, embarked on a hike through a forest situated on the Outer Rim planet called Khofar during 132 BBY. While the scavenger voiced his complaints about being lost and expressed disbelief that his companion had persuaded him to venture there, the pair of scavengers stumbled upon a crashed starship. This starship was, in actuality, the shelter belonging to the Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca. Following the suggestion from the scavenger's companion that they might discover a hyperdrive within the wreckage suitable for salvaging parts, the scavengers noticed a sign displaying the words "Keep Out" written in Shyriiwook, which they were unable to read. Subsequently, Kelnacca approached the pair, emitting a roar that prompted the scavenger to draw his blaster and aim it at the Wookiee. In response, Kelnacca used the Force to wrench the blaster from the scavenger's hands, breaking it into two pieces, which caused the scavengers to run away.
The scavenger had the ability to speak Huttese but lacked the ability to read Shyriiwook.
The scavenger was dressed in brown clothing and wore a black headband. He was armed with a blaster and carried gear on his back.
The scavenger's initial appearance was in "Revenge / Justice," which was the second episode of the 2024 Disney+ live-action series titled The Acolyte, and it was broadcast on June 4, 2024. The character was played by Scroobius Pip.
Pip expressed his enthusiasm about being involved in Star Wars, describing himself as "jumping around" due to his excitement. He was particularly thrilled with his costume, which he considered "cool" and said "felt like a Star Wars costume." After trying on several costumes, his chosen outfit was aged and dirtied. During one take, Pip accidentally struck his shin against a rock on the set but had to maintain his composure for the remaining takes. The scene where Kelnacca takes the scavenger's blaster was achieved by having someone positioned on a ladder pulling it with a string. Achieving the correct angle required multiple takes, and during one attempt, the blaster broke and needed repair. Pip felt strongly about not encountering Joonas Suotamo, the actor portraying Kelnacca, while not in costume, so he avoided communal areas on set. According to Pip, Director Leslye Headland regarded the scene as the best shot in the entire episode. The scenes featuring the scavenger on Khofar were filmed at Shinfield Studios in England.

Pip went through three auditions for several characters, including both scavengers, and mentioned that he believed the other roles he auditioned for were ultimately cut. Pip had to create a self-tape audition for the role while he was sick with COVID-19. Because he was in isolation, he was unable to have someone assist him with reading lines. However, given that he was auditioning for both characters in the scene, Pip recorded the audio for both roles and then merged them into a single tape, which he thought helped his audition stand out.
Even though the auditions were conducted in English, the final scene was performed in Huttese, so Pip received instruction from a dialect coach two weeks before filming the scene. Pip had to concentrate on emphasizing and prolonging certain parts of the dialogue. Pip struggled with memorizing his lines, so his dialect coach advised him to transform it into a song or chant. Pip then spent an afternoon in his kitchen chanting his dialogue to help him remember it, and then later refined the precise wording. After completing several takes in Huttese, a few takes of the scene were also done in English as a backup. Pip expressed that it would have been a shame if the scene had been done in English because it had been "cool" to learn the lines in Huttese, and he added that he no longer remembered the English lines due to the amount of time that had passed since his audition.
Pip initially had a line that was not used during the initial filming of the scene. However, when Pip returned a year later to re-record his lines, he was asked to scream or make a noise as he ran away, and he used the line that had been cut, which consisted of saying "run away" in Huttese. The Huttese dialogue was penned by Pablo Hidalgo, who is a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group.