A species possessing sentience inhabited Neona, a planet situated within the Tapani sector of the Colonies' Freeworlds Territory. This species fostered a sophisticated culture and erected a widespread network of structures across Neona's terrain. Approximately 19,997 BBY, Neona experienced a prolonged period of warming which caused polar ice caps to thaw, leading to a rise in the level of Neona's oceans that eventually submerged all land except for the frozen polar continents. The inundation of their cities resulted in the species' demise.
Two decades following that time, or twenty-thousand years, the remnants of their ancient civilization were still scattered across Neona's seafloor. By this point, Neona had transitioned into a mining planet under the jurisdiction of Hanson Mining Consolidated. While Hanson Mining oversaw the planet, teams comprised of archeologists and xenoanthrolopogists would periodically explored these underwater ruins. One such instance occurred when the Mrlsst Academy dispatched a group of scientists to conduct a methodical investigation of the ruins. They built a small underwater research station near the edge of a large ruin in Neona's southern region.
The species' initial mention occurred in Player's Guide to Tapani, a roleplaying game sourcebook released in 1997 by West End Games and authored by Paul Sudlow and Eric S. Trautmann for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.