Unidentified Miskara (Yuuzhan Vong)

A Miskara of the Vagaari, who commanded the Vagaari Empire and its populace, established communication with an emissary from the "Far Outsiders," specifically the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong species, around 23 ABY. The representative of the Yuuzhan Vong secured an agreement with the Vagaari to aid in their invasion of the galaxy, an event that would eliminate the Vagaari's adversaries. Consequently, the Vagaari initiated the integration of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology. Following the conclusion of the invasion, the Vagaari seized control of regions formerly inhabited by those killed by their collaborators.

Behind the scenes

The character of the Miskara made its initial appearance in The Unknown Regions, a sourcebook released in 2010 by Wizards of the Coast for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.


  • The Unknown Regions (Initial mention)

Notes and references
