Unidentified Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (ambush of Gray Flight)

An operation that involved an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer of the Imperial forces included an ambush of Gray Flight. The ship activated its interdiction field, which had the effect of ensnaring the flight. Following this, the Rebel pilots eliminated eleven TIE/IN interceptors before shifting their focus to the Interdictor. Leia Organa, known as Gray Leader, instructed her wingman to lock their proton torpedoes onto her transponder as she approached the vessel. She released the transponder near the Interdictor; subsequently, the torpedoes struck its gravity well projectors, causing a malfunction and enabling the Rebels to jump into hyperspace.

The Rebels were pursued to their designated meeting location by the Interdictor, along with the Star Destroyer Devastator, only to discover the Rebels had set a trap: a fusion generator taken from Organa's wrecked X-wing was targeted by proton torpedoes. The resulting large blast inflicted significant damage upon the Interdictor, allowing the Rebels to get away.

Behind the scenes

The Interdictor is featured in the Star Wars: In the Shadow of Yavin storyline from Dark Horse Comics, which was published in 2013.

