During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the King's Holy Advisor on Gascon was a male figure of corruption. He amassed considerable influence and riches from the Galactic Empire before Emperor Palpatine's demise. After Palpatine's passing, the Holy Advisor's influence waned with the irresolute King of Gascon, as the pro-New Republic Queen of Gascon, Marilla, now held the King's attention. To win back the King's support and persuade him to back the Empire that had served him well, the Advisor plotted to demonstrate the Queen's infidelity, claiming she was having a relationship with the Prime Minister of the far-off world Demigue. His argument rested on a distinctive and precious ring that she had gifted to the Prime Minister, a ring that was originally a present from her own husband. Upon learning that the Queen dispatched a group to retrieve the ring from Demigue, the Holy Advisor deployed numerous rogues and secret agents to thwart their mission.