A guard of the Gamorrean species was employed by crime lords Jabba Desilijic Tiure and Bib Fortuna. Following Boba Fett's takeover of Jabba's Palace, the bounty hunter established his own gotra, and the Gamorrean subsequently served him. After the assault on the palace, this particular Gamorrean, along with a fellow guard, were apprehended and presented before Fett. Instead of choosing to torture them, Fett spared their lives on the condition that they swear allegiance to him.
Serving as one of Fett's guards, this Gamorrean wore a metal helmet and a pauldron on both shoulders, a contrast to the other guard who only had a single pauldron. For close-quarters combat, they were armed with a short sword and a Gamorrean battle-ax. During the ambush orchestrated by the Order of the Night Wind in Mos Espa, the helmeted Gamorrean bravely intervened, penetrating the defenses of the assassins. The Gamorrean, together with the other guard, assisted in transporting Fett back to the palace's bacta pod so that he could recover from his battle wounds. Following a foiled attempt to assassinate him, Boba placed the guard in his Bacta tank, after being bitten by Krrsantan in the left shoulder.
Later, this guard and his compatriot participated in the Battle for Mos Espa against the Pyke Syndicate. Tragically, they were killed by the Klatooinians when the three crime families betrayed Boba and sided with the Pykes. The Klatooinians pushed them off a cliff to their deaths.
This particular Gamorrean guard made his debut in "Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land," which was the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett. The show premiered on Disney+ on December 29, 2021. Frank Trigg, a former mixed martial artist, color commentator, pro wrestler, MMA referee, and TV host, played the role of the guard.