Unidentified brothel hostess

A hostess, identified as a human female, was employed at a brothel situated within the Leisure Zone of the planet Morlana One.


The hostess converses with Cassian Andor.

This human female was a hostess at a brothel in the Leisure Zone of Morlana One. It's likely she used an alias at her workplace. In 5 BBY, she approached Cassian Andor, who was at the bar. Andor wasn't seeking entertainment; he was seeking information about an employee from Kenari. She inquired if he was looking for his girlfriend, but Andor stated he didn't have one.

After checking to see if any employees were from Kenari, she came back and informed Andor that a girl from Kenari used to work there, but she had left months prior. She offered to find him another employee, but Andor was only interested in the girl's whereabouts. The hostess pressed Andor to explain his relationship to the girl, and Andor whispered that he was searching for his sister. She gave him a sad smile, mentioning that people were always coming and going, and then advised him to leave. Andor then inquired about the girl's name. The hostess responded that no one used their real name at the brothel before leaving. Soon after, Andor departed.

Behind the scenes

Margaret Clunie portrays the hostess.

