Unidentified bovid species

A type of bovine creature inhabited the Wasteland area of Prine. These animals possessed red manes and their foreheads were characterized by several villi protrusions.

After becoming marooned in the area, the Jedi on the run, Dass Jennir, made use of one as a riding animal, having tamed it via the Force. The creature sustained injuries during their initial encounter, yet Jennir was able to care for its injuries, even with his somewhat limited healing aptitude. Once the animal had recovered its stamina with assistance from his droid H2, who procured a large amount of green vegetation, Jennir rode it into combat against the pirate band that had abducted his associate Ember Chankeli.

Later on, he gifted it to Maddie, a young girl who had become friends with Chankeli while she was held captive. The Jedi commanded it to guide them to a water source, recalling that he had originally discovered it drinking from a small body of water. Following the discovery of water, Jennir resolved to return and save Chankeli, who was left behind during the initial rescue attempt. He provided Maddie with the remaining provisions, understanding that she was unable to consume the same sustenance as the animal. Jennir instructed the creature to ensure her safety and escort her back to her home, a mission it successfully completed. Subsequently, Maddie kept the animal on her property.

