Unidentified bearded Human Jedi

This Jedi Knight, a Human male sporting a beard, was a Jedi who managed to live through the events of Order 66. During the Great Jedi Purge, he met his end during the Battle of Shumari, a conflict where Imperial troops engaged with a contingent of Jedi who had survived. He observed the demise of three other Jedi at the hands of Darth Vader, vowing revenge. However, in the subsequent swift confrontation, Vader defeated him with ease. As he was in his final moments, this Bearded Jedi urged Tao, who was present during the battle, to survive.

Behind the scenes

This character's sole appearance is within the narrative of Perfect Evil, which was told across the issues Black and Silver of Star Wars Manga. Initially released in Japan, these stories were regarded by Lucasfilm as having questionable canonicity. Subsequently, they were re-released in English within the United Kingdom under the Infinities banner, designating the content as non-canonical. The world of Shumari was later mentioned in The Essential Atlas, which featured the Shumari system in its supplementary information. Nevertheless, as stated by Jason Fry, "its inclusion shouldn't be taken as a statement of canonicity for anything except the geography."

