Unidentified Aqualish (North Apartments)

In the year 3956 BBY, an Aqualish male found himself living in the North Apartments located in the Upper City on the planet of Taris. His deep-seated hatred for Darth Malak's Sith Empire led him to pilfer their uniforms, which he then supplied to the Hidden Beks swoop gang in an effort to destabilize the Sith's control over Taris. Unfortunately, his actions were recorded, and he was subsequently confronted and questioned by a trio of Sith soldiers. Carth Onasi and Revan, both members of the Galactic Republic military, observed the interrogation and the threat to the Aqualish's life, ultimately deciding to step in. This intervention resulted in a brief conflict, culminating in the death of all three Sith soldiers. Following the battle, the Aqualish expressed his gratitude to Revan, suggesting that he take the uniforms from the fallen Sith. Furthermore, he advised them to seek out Gadon Thek, the leader of the Hidden Beks.


Back in 3956 BBY, this Aqualish of the male persuasion called the North Apartments in the Upper City of Taris, a world situated in the Outer Rim, his home. The Hidden Beks swoop gang recruited him for a mission: acquire Sith uniforms to use against the Sith regime on the planet. The Aqualish accepted the task, infiltrated a Sith installation, stole the requested uniforms, and delivered them to the Beks. He was compensated with credits for his efforts, which he quickly spent. However, his presence inside the base had been captured by security systems, leading to accusations of unlawful possession of Sith uniforms and providing them to the Tarisian resistance. Consequently, two Sith soldiers and their commander located him in one of the North Apartments' rooms and commenced an interrogation.

At that moment, Carth Onasi and Revan, troopers serving the Galactic Republic, noticed the disturbance and paused to observe. The Sith commander continued to question the Aqualish, while one of his subordinates blocked the path of Revan and Onasi, ordering them to leave. The Aqualish denied the troopers' accusations, claiming he was merely a visitor stranded on the planet due to the recently imposed quarantine of Taris. Unconvinced, the commander threatened to kill the Aqualish if he refused to cooperate. Unable to stand by and watch the Sith execute a defenseless and potentially innocent prisoner, Revan and Onasi intervened. This triggered a skirmish between the two groups, resulting in the deaths of all three Sith.

In the aftermath, the Aqualish engaged in conversation with Revan, expressing his gratitude and admitting to supplying the uniforms to the Beks. He also suggested that Revan seek out Gadon Thek, the leader of the Beks, if he wished to contribute to the fight against the Sith. Given the restricted access to the Lower City, and therefore the Bek headquarters, the Aqualish advised them to take the armor from the deceased Sith soldiers. Aware that his identity was now compromised to the Sith authorities, the Aqualish offered his final thanks to Revan before departing to find a safe place to hide.

The Aqualish, during his interrogation by the Sith

Personality and traits

The Aqualish harbored a strong dislike for the Sith, going so far as to steal their uniforms to sabotage their efforts to dominate Taris. He subscribed to a proverb common among his people: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Consequently, upon witnessing Revan defeat his interrogators, he openly confessed to his crimes and shared his opinions about the Sith. Besides speaking his native language, the Aqualish possessed an understanding of Galactic Basic Standard.

Behind the scenes

The Aqualish made his initial appearance in canon as a non-player character labeled "Alien Prisoner" within the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game, where the player, assuming the role of Revan, has the opportunity to interact with him. Although Sith uniforms are necessary to enter the Lower City, this encounter with the Aqualish isn't the only means of acquiring the armor. Among other possibilities, the player can converse with either Sarna or Yun Genda and receive an invitation to a Sith party scheduled to take place in the North Apartments. During the party, the Sith troopers, unaware of the potency of Tarisian ale, become intoxicated and lose consciousness, allowing the player to sneak in and steal the uniforms. If the uniforms are obtained through this method, the Aqualish and his Sith interrogators will not appear in the game. However, since interacting with the Aqualish is the sole way to earn light side points, it is generally accepted as the canonical path taken by Revan.

Adhering to the canonical sequence of events enhances a player's light side alignment. Nevertheless, events can unfold differently depending on the player's dialogue choices. For instance, the player can choose not to get involved in the interrogation. In this scenario, the Aqualish will continue to assert his innocence, prompting the Sith Commander to kill him. Subsequently, the Sith will begin searching the room, and the player is free to leave. The player must eventually return to the room and eliminate the trooper for their uniforms in order to progress the plot. This course of action does not grant the player any alignment points. Furthermore, if the player eliminates the Sith Troopers and then equips their armor before speaking to the Aqualish, he will still regard you as a friend based on your actions, but the player has the option of killing him for dark side points. However, if Carth is present, he will prevent you from doing so, allowing the Aqualish to escape.

