A male human pilot named Tyson served under Captain Jon Vander in Gold Squadron, a starfighter squadron that utilized BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers. He was known by the callsign "Gold Three." During the skirmish that occurred in the Archeon Nebula in 2 BBY, Tyson met his death.
Under the callsign "Gold Three," Tyson was a rebel pilot affiliated with Gold Squadron. The Y-wing starfighters were the craft flown by his squadron. In 2 BBY, he, along with his fellow pilots, provided an escort for former Imperial Senator Mon Mothma, helping her go into hiding after she publicly condemned the Ghorman Massacre. After the Ghost, the ship of the rebel cell Spectres, met with Gold Squadron and Mothma's Taylander shuttle Chandrila Mistress in the vast expanse of space, Tyson and the other pilots began the process of docking under the Ghost's cargo bay to refuel.
Subsequently, Tyson and Gold Squadron, accompanied by the young rebel pilot Ezra Bridger, engaged in a skirmish against an Arquitens-class command cruiser and its accompanying TIE fighter escort. During this confrontation, Tyson and his fellow pilots followed the instructions of Gold Leader Captain Jon Vander, unleashing their ion cannons on the light cruiser. Following this, they bombarded the ship using their proton torpedoes before making their escape into hyperspace aboard the Ghost, which now carried Mothma and her crew.
As the rebel convoy journeyed through the Archeon pass toward Dantooine, they were pursued by Commander Vult Skerris, who was piloting a prototype TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter. In response, Vander dispatched Tyson and Gold Four to intercept the new TIE. However, the Y-wing pilots found themselves unable to breach the powerful deflector shields of the advanced TIE fighter. Skerris then proceeded to shoot down both Tyson and Gold Four, resulting in their deaths.
In 2 BBY, Tyson was a human man who served as a pilot within the rebellion's Gold Squadron. He was characterized by his dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Tyson was typically seen wearing an orange jumpsuit and helmet. His primary mode of transportation was a Y-wing starfighter. Despite his competence as a starfighter pilot, he proved to be no match for Commander Skerris and his TIE Defender.
The character of Tyson made his debut in Secret Cargo, which was the eighteenth episode of Star Wars Rebels' season three. Phil LaMarr provided the voice for Tyson, and he is also known for voicing several other Star Wars characters, most notably Bail Organa.