Twilight Squadron was the designation of the squadron of TIE/LN starfighters stationed on the Rand Ecliptic before the Battle of Yavin. The unit's roster included Delund, Peate Kurin, and Tars Nandy, and it was under the command of Biggs Darklighter, who held the rank of First Mate, and Second Mate Derek Klivian. This squadron intercepted the civilian transport Lark within the Bestine system, an event that culminated in Nandy destroying the vessel and causing the deaths of everyone aboard.
Twilight Squadron makes their escape from the Rand Ecliptic.
Following the defection of the Rand Ecliptic, the majority of the squadron joined the Rebellion. Due to his involvement in the Lark's destruction, Tars Nandy was apprehended by Klivian. During the raid targeting the Incom Corporation assembly plant, all of the squadron's TIE fighters were intentionally destroyed. These fighters had been modified to enable control by astromech droids and were utilized to draw out Imperial forces. Although the four pilots successfully ejected before Imperial TIE fighters gave chase, Kurin was killed in an accident and Hobbie sustained the loss of a leg.
Later, Darklighter and Klivian, two of the squadron's three remaining members, became part of Red Squadron and participated in the Battle of Yavin.