The Twelve Kingdoms Era represents a specific time in the history of the Tapani sector, spanning from approximately 11,708 BBY to 7328 BBY.
As time passed, the clan worlds experienced a rise in autonomy from the central authority located on Pelagon, resulting in a gradual shift of power towards the individual clan capitals. While traditional Tapani historians have somewhat arbitrarily pinpointed this transition to the year 11,708 BBY (corresponding to 1,012 in the Tapani calendar), alternative viewpoints suggest that the commencement of the Twelve Kingdoms Era occurred considerably earlier.
During the initial stages of this era, numerous clans underwent processes of merging, expansion, conflict, and eventual extinction. After a period of eight centuries, twelve stable houses emerged, each governed by a King or Queen. These twelve kingdoms maintained a state of relative stability for a duration exceeding 3000 years, although some fluctuations in territorial boundaries did occur. As this era drew to a close, the houses initiated expansion efforts towards the periphery of the sector, with the aim of securing increased access to raw materials and establishing a buffer zone against the growing influence of the Herglic Trade Empire.
The worlds situated within the region of space that would later become known as the Freeworlds Territory experienced sparse settlement, including planets such as Gilliana, Aleron, and Achillea. Contact was established with the native inhabitants of Mrlsst, leading to the establishment of a training relationship.
Each House maintained independent control over its own colonies without external interference until Shey Tapani launched the Unification War in 7348 BBY. While two houses were completely destroyed, and another internally collapsed, Shey Tapani ultimately succeeded in unifying the Houses, thereby bringing an end to the Twelve Kingdoms Era.