A dwelling located in the village of Peka on the planet of Batuu served as the home for Tuntis, a local inhabitant. Approximately around the year 379 BBY, a gigantic lizard-esque beast, known as a salmaca, started attacking the residences of Peka during the night, seeking out valuable items to furnish its nest. During one such raid, the salmaca targeted Tuntis's home; Tuntis tried to defend his property, but the encounter led to the destruction of his house and his eventual death from blood loss on his floor, as the salmaca used its beak to tear off his arm. Later, when Jedi Padawan Rooper Nitani arrived in Peka for her Jedi Trials, Jerlyn, another villager, informed her about Tuntis's demise and the devastation of his home, while also describing the village's predicament with the salmaca.
The short story "Shield of the Jedi," penned by George Mann, which was included in the 2023 young adult collection titled The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic project that utilizes multiple media formats, featured the mention of Tuntis's home.