Trik, a Force Adept of the Tarasin species, identified as male, resided on the planet of Cularin throughout the era of the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, Trik, along with his sister Krizta and other Tarasin individuals, were abducted by Haast Aath, a Zabrak slaver. Aath transported them to a slave facility located on the planet [Tharados]. Following this, Trik and Krizta were moved to the planet Kemix, where they were held captive on the capital ship known as the Rightful Dominion. To ensure the safe return of Trik and Krizta to Cularin, Mother Tysara, a Tarasin elder, enlisted the services of the Heroes of Cularin, a team of independent operatives, who successfully located and liberated the two Tarasin children.