Tria Bartyn

Tria Bartyn, also known as Benevolent Tria, served as the Administrator of Lamaredd. She succeeded her father, Hugo Bartyn, in this role for the Outer Rim Oreworks. The people under her rule held her in high regard.


Tria Bartyn was the eldest daughter of Hugo Bartyn. Hugo, the founder of the fishing village Bartyn's Landing on Lamaredd, also held the position of Administrator for the local mines under the Outer Rim Oreworks. He was a cruel ruler to the aquatic aliens within his territory, who were essentially slaves until the Sailor's Union was established. Hugo also had an older son, Traggat.

Around 499 BBY, Hugo, Traggat, and several others met their ends under mysterious circumstances. Tria then inherited the Administratorship, along with its associated power.

Tria made the decision to break from her father's established practices. She freed the working aliens from what Hugo had termed "indentured servitude." Furthermore, she encouraged the Sailor's Union to grow and establish at least one hall in each of Lamaredd's towns. These actions made her incredibly popular, earning her the moniker "Benevolent Tria."

Over time, some individuals elevated Tria to a near-religious figure, expressing their gratitude to Benevolent Tria for the good times alongside their thanks to The First-Wavers.

In 29 BBY, Guther Bartyn, a later descendant of Hugo and the local administrator, possessed an Ubrikkian yacht that he named Tria Blue, hoping in vain to impress the local population.


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