
Torrie, a Mon Calamari of the male gender, held the rank of Captain and fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. Identified as "Starfall leader," Captain Torrie commanded Task Force Starfall during the attack targeting the Victory-class Star Destroyer named the Subjugator located at the Kwenn Space Station. Following the successful extraction of Walex Blissex from the Subjugator by a team of Alliance operatives, Captain Torrie retrieved their shuttle and expressed his appreciation for their accomplishments.

Behind the scenes

The character of Captain Torrie originated in the Starfall adventure module for the West End Games role-playing game, where he served as the commanding officer of the eponymous task force. His specific species was not defined until the publication of Classic Adventure: Volume Five, which featured Starfall along with supplementary visuals, one of which depicted Torrie.

