Torreb Savato was a male human taken into custody by the Canto Bight Police Department. He was then confined to a cell within the Canto Bight police headquarters located on the planet of Cantonica during the year 34 ABY. The prisoner DJ made an escape from an adjacent cell utilizing a skeleton key. Savato, along with his fellow inmates, attempted to reach out to DJ through the cell bars, but DJ chose to leave without releasing them. While incarcerated, he was seen wearing a speckled brown jerkin, along with gray trousers and brown boots. He also possessed data goggles and a depleted welding tank. Savato was characterized by his bald head and light complexion.
The initial appearance of Torreb Savato occurred in the motion picture Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which had its debut on December 15, 2017. Although the character was not given a name within the film itself, his identity was established in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo that accompanied the film's release.