Tomrus, a male Human individual, first entered the world on Cloud City. His parents, employees of Bespin Motors, had moved to Cloud City from a different location in the Outer Rim many years prior. Even as a young boy, he demonstrated a natural skill for games of chance, deceptive practices, and, most notably, mechanical work. The Galactic Empire's seizure of Cloud City resulted in the death of his mother. After his father went back to his homeworld, Tomrus enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a technician.
During 6 ABY, he became a part of the engineering unit led by Lieutenant Anselm, who, in spite of referring to Tomrus as "the kid," came to admire him. In 9 ABY, he was among the select team members picked by Anselm to join him on the mission to the Katana fleet. While protecting the Katana, he sustained injuries.