Tomark II

Tomark II, alternatively known as just Tomark, was a planet situated in the Mid Rim region of space, specifically within the confines of the Ividal sector. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance established a starfighter installation there called Chiron Base, which served as a launchpad for attacks against Galactic Empire convoys.

By the time 0 BBY arrived, the Empire had identified Tomark as a high-priority target for their Death Star [superweapon](/article/superweapon/legends]. Sometime during this period of conflict, Captain Amarith tasked a group of Rebel operatives with a mission that took them on a journey from Tomark II to the world of Ando.


Tomark II, also known simply as Tomark, was a terrestrial world, the second planet from its star in the Tomark system, which is part of the Ividal sector in the Slice region of the Mid Rim. It was located a few hours' hyperspace jump away from the planet Ando, found within the Lambda sector.


A Rebel base

The Galactic Civil War saw Tomark II become the location of Chiron Base, a Rebel Alliance base that housed a squadron of starfighters. These fighters were used to conduct swift strikes against Galactic Empire convoys. The planet's position in the galaxy made it a perfect spot to organize these kinds of operations.

Eventually, the Empire began to suspect that Tomark was harboring an Alliance Military installation. By 0 BBY, Tomark, along with other planets suspected of Rebel activity, was listed as a key target for the Imperial Death Star superweapon in an Imperial Military report titled "IMQ-54544-XX-07 Security Clearance Black DS-1 Orbital Battle Station."

Departing on a mission

During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire initiated a clandestine operation referred to as the Ando Project. Koral-tae, a retired Aqualish Rebel operative, noticed an unusual increase in Imperial activity on Ando and, unaware of the Ando Project, contacted Captain Amarith, a Human in command at Chiron Base, for assistance. In response, Amarith called a team of agents stationed at the Tomark II base to a briefing regarding a mission.

However, suspecting that there were traitors within the base, the captain only verbally instructed the team to use her personal space yacht, the Gambit, to depart Tomark II using the hyperspace coordinates stored in the yacht's navigation computer. Amarith also gave the Rebel agents a holovid containing information about their mission, which they were only to watch once their starship was already on its way to its destination. Subsequently, the Rebel agents boarded the Gambit and left Chiron Base, departing Tomark II for Ando, where their mission awaited them.

Behind the scenes

Tomark II was first seen in Star Wars Adventure Journal 11.

Tomark II's debut was in "The Ando Project," a roleplaying game adventure created by Chris Doyle for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was published in the eleventh issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal in November of 1996. The adventure features illustrations by Matt Busch that depict a Mon Calamari as one of the Rebel agents dispatched from Tomark II's Chiron Base. However, this article does not consider that to be a canonical detail within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

In "The Ando Project," the player characters follow the trail of the Ando Project from Ando to an Imperial facility located on the moon of Uridia. If the player characters investigate, and possibly sabotage or destroy, the facility, they can escape and return to Chiron Base on Tomark II from the Uridia system. They then submit their mission report to Captain Amarith and may receive commendations, depending on their actions on Uridia.

The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Tomark system, and therefore Tomark II, in grid square Q-14. A map in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book, incorrectly labeled the Core Worlds astronomical object Thomork as "Tomark." The 2014 Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide also introduced "Tomark" as a shortened name for Tomark II.

