Tolaris Shim

Tolaris Shim, a Jedi Master, participated actively within the Jedi Order during the era known as the Great Sith War, a period in time. Holding views that set them apart from many other Jedi, Master Shim held the strong conviction that every Jedi, in some manner or at some point, would experience the influence of the dark side of the Force. Because of this, Shim also thought that any Jedi who abandoned the light was inevitably going to do terrible things to those who were innocent. Adding to this, Shim was of the opinion that once a fallen Jedi had committed such acts, they could never be redeemed, and could only atone for their actions. The event that led to Shim's unyielding stance was the redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma, who the Jedi Master believed was only deserving of indemnity.

Despite Shim's rather strict views on the matter, the Jedi Order gave Master Shim the responsibility of investigating the reasons and processes involved in a Jedi's descent into the dark side. In 3996 BBY, a decade before Qel-Droma's death which is measured in years, Shim concluded their study and organized their conclusions into a document called the Four Stages of the Dark Side.


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