Tolan Navy Yards, alternatively referred to as the Tolan Naval Installation, functioned as an Imperial Navy installation on the planet of Tolan, situated in proximity to Dankayo.
Following the Imperial Navy's obliteration of the Rebel Alliance base on Dankayo, the Imperial Armored Transport known as Elusive was tasked with the collection and relocation of debris from the destroyed base, which included critical data packets. Upon its departure from Dankayo, the Elusive faced an assault from the Rebel shuttle Bonderium. Although the Elusive managed to evade capture, its captain mandated a detour to Tolan for necessary repairs.
During its time at the Navy Yard, the Elusive underwent repairs to its combat-related damages and was additionally outfitted with an external rack capable of carrying a squadron of TIE/LN starfighters. The ship's stay within the yard was rather short, and it soon continued its journey towards Coronar.