
title: Tiragga

Within the Outer Rim of the galaxy, specifically inside the Mieru'kar sector, existed the Tiragga system, which contained the planet known as Tiragga. At a minimum, two moons orbited this planet. The second moon served as the location for a Rebel Alliance outpost during the Galactic Civil War, a major war fought between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire. During this war, members of the base became infected by the Direllian Plague, a fatal illness curable only with Shiarha Root, a scarce plant from Kirtania.

Behind the scenes

The roleplaying game adventure The Quality of Mercy first referenced Tiragga. Nicky Rea authored this adventure, which appeared in February 1994 as part of the first issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal. The adventure focuses on the players' quest to Kirtania to find a remedy for the Direllian Plague, which threatened the lives of the Rebel base's staff. The Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion situated the Tiragga system, and thus Tiragga itself, within grid square N-3.

