Tik (Rogue Squadron)

Tik was a male pilot of starfighters who held the designation Rogue Twelve within Rogue Squadron, a unit belonging to the New Republic Starfighter Command during the year 25.2 ABY. This distinguished squadron, comprised of twelve X-wing fighters, operated under the leadership of Colonel Gavin Darklighter, and Tik was a member of Three Flight, a four-pilot group under the command of Major Alinn Varth. When Borsk Fey'lya, the Chief of State of the New Republic, dismissed intelligence regarding a mysterious alien adversary known as the Yuuzhan Vong lurking in the Outer Rim, Admiral Traest Kre'fey secretly enlisted Rogue Squadron for an investigation, masking it as simulated pirate engagements. After they captured Urias Xhaxin, a privateer who had previously encountered the Yuuzhan Vong's coralskipper combat craft, the Rogues spent their time aboard Kre'fey's vessel, the Ralroost, engaged in simulations against these coralskippers. Later, they went back to the site of Xhaxin's earlier engagement, where they fought a group of the alien fighters; Tik perished when his starfighter entered a miniature black hole generated by the gravity-controlling dovin basals of a coralskipper. Anni Capstan, a new pilot, took his place in the squadron.


Tik was a male pilot of starfighters who served with New Republic Starfighter Command as a member of Rogue Squadron during the year 25 ABY. The Rogues, commanded by Colonel Gavin Darklighter, were an elite twelve-person squadron of pilots who flew T-65A3 X-wing starfighters. Tik's designation was Rogue Twelve within Three Flight, a flight group under the command of Major Alinn Varth, also known as Rogue Nine. Dinger, or Rogue Eleven, and Rogue Ten were also members of the group. In 25 ABY, Admiral Traest Kre'fey recruited Rogue Squadron to simulate pirate attacks in the Outer Rim as a cover for his forces' pursuit of them. Borsk Fey'lya, the Chief of State of the New Republic, was ignoring warnings about the Yuuzhan Vong, a lethal alien threat lurking in the Outer Rim, but Kre'fey was conducting an independent investigation, feigning preparations for piracy to avoid openly defying the Chief of State. The Rogues were granted unrestricted movement.

Rogue Squadron was transported to the Rim aboard the Ralroost, the admiral's Bothan Assault Cruiser. When reports surfaced of a scavenger freighter encountering unidentified fighters in an asteroid belt, they suspended their pirate simulations and accompanied Kre'fey to the asteroid belt's system. Darklighter led Tik and the other Rogues into the asteroids, where they were attacked by a group of salvaged ugly fighters with severely underpowered shields, hulls, and lasers. Darklighter persuaded the group's leader, the privateer Urias Xhaxin, to surrender. Aboard the Ralroost, Xhaxin recounted that his forces had been attacked by mysterious fighters before making a blind jump to lightspeed, which landed them at their current location. The fighters had exploited gravitic anomalies to absorb laser fire and had unleashed plasma that rapidly eroded the suddenly unshielded hulls of their enemies. This information aligned with Kre'fey's existing data on the Yuuzhan Vong fighters: They possessed living creatures known as dovin basals that generated miniature black holes, which could absorb laser blasts and neutralize enemy shields.

While a probe droid was dispatched to the deep space location where Xhaxin had been attacked, the Rogues spent their time aboard the Ralroost engaged in simulated combat scenarios against the Yuuzhan Vong fighters, which had been nicknamed coralskippers. The droid's data proved inconclusive, so Rogue Squadron escorted a T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter, designated "Snoop," back to the location so a sentient being could gather data. After emerging from hyperspace, the squadron provided cover for Snoop, with Three Flight positioned off its port bow. When a group of coralskippers attacked, the Rogues tested experimental countermeasures: maximizing their inertial compensators to reinforce their shields and deploying rapid bursts of short, low-powered laser fire to overwhelm the coralskippers' dovin basals. Although these tactics proved effective, one coralskipper generated a large black hole behind it, which destroyed the X-wings of both Tik and Dinger. Tik managed to eject from his craft and enter extravehicular space, but he died nonetheless. Snoop captured footage of both his and Dinger's deaths, and the surviving Rogues eliminated the coralskippers before retrieving Tik's body. Anni Capstan, a new pilot, later filled his position in the squadron.

Personality and traits

Tik was a member of Rogue Squadron, an elite group that symbolized the New Republic's starfighter superiority and comprised the best pilots in the New Republic Defense Force. Colonel Darklighter held Tik and all his pilots in high regard, believing they were a formidable fighting team that could challenge previous Rogue Squadron rosters in simulated starfighter combat. However, Tik was killed by the unfamiliar tactics of the Yuuzhan Vong during his first encounter with their coralskippers.

Behind the scenes

Tik made a brief appearance in The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, the initial novel of Michael A. Stackpole's 2000 Dark Tide Duology and the second book in The New Jedi Order novel series.

