The TIE Oppressor, formally recognized as the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Oppressor Strike Fighter, represented a specialized iteration within the TIE Series line of starfighters. Its deployment was restricted to a select few units within the Imperial Navy's starfighter squadrons. This particular spacecraft was integrated into combat operations shortly after the pivotal Battle of Yavin.

The TIE Oppressor's design philosophy centered on its role as a lightweight bomber capable of functioning as a reasonably agile fighter, echoing the versatility of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's BTL Y-wing starfighter. The aim was to develop a TIE variant able to transport substantial weapon payloads, bolstered by sufficient armor and shielding, enabling it to spearhead Imperial assault formations. Furthermore, its solar array surface area was ample enough to contribute to the energy generation necessary for its systems. The comprehensive suite of offensive and defensive systems integrated into the Oppressor came at the expense of space typically allocated for engine components.
Despite the emphasis on superior maneuverability in most Imperial fighter designs, many pilots considered the TIE Oppressor's agility to be merely adequate. This deficiency in maneuverability stemmed from the incorporation of the same fundamental engine system found in earlier TIE starfighter models, despite the Oppressor's significantly heavier and bulkier airframe. Compensating for its reduced combat maneuverability, the Oppressor boasted one of the most formidable offensive and defensive arsenals ever integrated into an Imperial starfighter platform. Nevertheless, it maintained a degree of maneuverability surpassing that of comparable bomber craft, and its relatively compact dimensions made it a more elusive target.
While the TIE Oppressor was primarily intended for engagements against capital ships, its size and substantial missile capacity rendered it highly effective against enemy starfighters. When outfitted with anti-starfighter weaponry, the Oppressor demonstrated exceptional lethality, even against highly agile starfighters. In this capacity, many were outfitted with potent engines and boosters, enabling impressive velocity.

Access to the Oppressor flight test program was exclusively granted to the most seasoned Imperial TIE pilots, as they were deemed to possess the tactical acumen required for effective deployment of the ship, as well as the unwavering loyalty necessary to entrust them with such a costly asset.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Oppressor was deployed within the fleet as part of a "Limited Fielding Test Initiative," regarded as a minor experimental program by the Imperial Navy. Following the Galactic Civil War and the subsequent reduction in Imperial funding, these exceptionally powerful vessels are believed to have gradually disappeared from service.
Rebel pilots observed that encounters with these ships in their bomber configuration revealed them to be slow and relatively easy to destroy, though not as easily as the slower TIE/sa bombers.
Conversely, when flown by a skilled pilot and equipped for anti-starfighter roles, the TIE Oppressor proved to be a deadly adversary, capable of eliminating far more agile craft. Pilots exploited its reputation for sluggishness to lure enemies into a false sense of security, then executed rapid speed alterations to initiate sudden and unpredictable attacks.
The TIE Oppressor was conceived as an Imperial Master-level ship, mirroring the B-wing starfighter as the Rebel master ship, for the Jump to Lightspeed expansion of Star Wars Galaxies. It was exclusively pilotable by elite Imperial pilots. Notably, it was the sole bomber in the game equipped with three missile launchers (all others had two), and it possessed exceptional small size, maneuverability, and speed compared to other bombers. This convergence of strengths rendered them exceedingly dangerous in PvP engagements, even against smaller and significantly more agile craft like the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor.