Thrago, a diminutive moon situated in the Thrago system within the Unknown Regions, featured a turbulent atmosphere composed of swirling, yellow sulfuric clouds. This celestial body, scarcely more than a hubba-shaped rocky mass, measured a mere ten kilometers in its longest dimension and was so heavily coated in dust that its numerous craters appeared softened and nearly indistinct when viewed from orbit. Supply Depot Thrago, an installation owned by the Chiss, was situated there. Jacen Solo manipulated several Jedi Knights, among them Jaina Solo, Zekk, Tahiri Veila, Tesar Sebatyne, and Lowbacca, into thinking the Chiss were plotting an initial assault against the Killiks. To assist Jacen in his attack on Thrago, the Jedi employed [StealthXs], thereby inciting the Chiss to retaliate against the Killiks, which was Jacen's objective.