Theed Palace Plaza Prison Break

title: Rescue at Theed

In the year 32 BBY, the Galactic Republic's governing body, known as the Galactic Senate, enacted legislation that mandated taxes on trade routes leading to distant star systems. This action soon ignited a commercial disagreement between the Trade Federation, a powerful megacorporation, and the Republic. This dispute escalated into a blockade of the planet Naboo, which was quickly followed by the Invasion of Naboo. During the occupation of Theed, Naboo's capital city, several students from the Royal House of Learning on Naboo were scouting around the city, when they came across a datacard containing a list of Naboo citizens who had been taken prisoner, along with the locations of the camps where they were being held.

After analyzing the data, the Naboo Underground, the local resistance organization, discovered that a number of recently captured pilots from the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, as well as Security Guards from the Royal Naboo Security Forces, were being kept in a lightly defended building near Theed's central Palace Plaza. Adding to this advantage, the prisoners' confiscated weapons were being stored in the same facility. The prisoners were scheduled to be moved to a more secure location soon. Lucos Dannt, the leader of the Naboo Underground, decided that this was an unmissable opportunity to liberate the valuable prisoners and strengthen the resistance's forces. With all other experienced Underground teams already deployed, Dannt assigned the students who had discovered the information the mission of breaking into the prison.

The team successfully infiltrated Theed and arrived at the target building, where they swiftly dealt with the two Neimoidians guarding the entrance. The group forced their way into both the prison building and the adjacent armory, distributing the confiscated weapons to the seven prisoners. As the students attempted to escort the prisoners to safety, they were ambushed by a small squad of Trade Federation OOM security battle droids. The Underground team defeated the reinforcements and led the prisoners to safety. Many of the freed prisoners joined the Underground, thus reinforcing the resistance movement.

Behind the Scenes

This article is derived from Adventure 2: Recovery, a pre-made adventure featured in the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game, which is designed for quick and easy gameplay. The game includes eight playable characters, although the adventures are intended for four players.

The adventure itself can unfold in various ways. The players have the option of using force to overcome the Neimoidian guards, employing the Force to Mind trick the guards into leaving their posts, or simply sneaking past them to find an alternative entry point. The players can also choose to break into the armory before the prison, or ignore the armory entirely. To gain access to the buildings, the players can attempt to disable the door locks, try to break down the doors, or use a lightsaber to create their own entrance. The encounter is designed so that, upon exiting the prison building, a pair of droid reinforcements will arrive to engage the players. However, if the players fail to quickly defeat the Neimoidian guards, additional battle droids will arrive as the Neimoidians call for backup.

