"The Lost Jedi Ship" represents the second segment within the second episode of the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on May 4, 2023, preceded by an initial showing at Celebration Europe on April 8, 2023.
Zia Zaldor Zanna, a Jedi Master, escorts a group of Jedi Initiates to the library located within the Tenoo Jedi Temple. Among the initiates are Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, accompanied by a human girl characterized by her dark skin and curly hair, a humanoid boy distinguished by green skin and blue hair, and a humanoid girl notable for her yellow skin and straight brown hair. Brightstar expresses enthusiasm for reading holobooks detailing ancient Jedi figures from the era of the Old Republic. Master Zanna guides the group towards the library's entrance, cautioning them about the library's age and ongoing renovations, and mentioning the existence of ancient, long-forgotten chambers.
Brightstar swiftly moves to the section dedicated to ancient Jedi history, while Solay heads towards the area featuring information about Tenoo's animal life. Brightstar discovers a collection of books and notices one focusing on the kyber crystals originating from Ilum. Attempting to grab this book, he loses his footing and the books fall. While looking at the empty shelf space, he notices a shining light coming from behind some rocks. Solay and Nubs join Brightstar, intrigued by the light. Solay suggests that it might be a hidden room. The trio of Jedi friends decides to investigate, utilizing their Force abilities to move the rocks.
Upon entering an old Jedi storage area, Solay discovers a tooth belonging to a krayt dragon. Nubs finds a hologram depicting plants, while Brightstar locates a star map accompanied by a beacon. They present the star map to Master Zia, who explains that it is an antique starship tracker. She elaborates that pilots would leave these behind to facilitate the location of their ships if they were lost. Zanna reveals that the tracker is connected to a starship named the Star Seeker. Brightstar recalls that the ship was owned by an adventurer from centuries past who brought back artifacts for the Jedi Order.
Despite the ship's disappearance centuries ago, the tracker's light suggests that it may still exist. She determines that the ship is located on a planet nearby. Brightstar is eager to launch an investigation. Master Zanna grants them permission to proceed, referencing Master Yoda's directive to explore the region. Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs are overjoyed. Brightstar then contacts Nash Durango, informing her of their mission to find a starship.
During their journey through hyperspace, Durango outlines the objectives of their search. She voices her excitement about embarking on an adventure alongside her Jedi companions and creates a new song. RJ-83 announces their arrival at their coordinates, revealing a green planet encircled by an asteroid field. Nubs expresses fear, but Brightstar assures everyone of Durango's piloting skills. Durango maintains a confident facade but admits she needs assistance, enlisting the Jedi to help operate the ship. Nubs fires at incoming asteroids, clearing a path for the Crimson Firehawk to approach the planet.
They descend into the planet's atmosphere, characterized by vast canyons overlooking a body of water. The Jedi follow the Star Seeker's signal while Durango and RJ-83 remain behind to repair the ship, which sustained damage from the asteroids. Durango assures RJ that the Jedi will be safe. As they navigate through a greenish fog, the Jedi younglings encounter a droid that retreats behind the fog, expressing its desire for no visitors. The young Jedi use their Force abilities to dissipate the fog, revealing the Star Seeker.
The droid inquires if they are Jedi and asks the reason for their visit. Brightstar explains that they followed the starship tracker. He shakes their hands and tells the younglings that he is relieved they are here. The droid introduces himself as 0G-LC and mentions that it has been a long time since he has seen anyone else. 0G-LC shows them the ship's cargo hold before revealing that he is the pilot. When Brightstar and Nubs express surprise, he explains that his mission was to explore the Outer Rim for the Jedi and to bring back what he learned.
When Solay asks how he ended up on the planet, 0G-LC explains that his ship was damaged by two big asteroids and that he crash-landed before he could return to Tenoo. The Jedi tell him that the Jedi Temple is on Tenoo and offer to help him return there. 0G-LC explains that he repaired the ship years ago. When Brightstar asks why he hasn't returned, 0G-LC laments that he is afraid and is no longer a brave adventurer. When Solay asks what they can do, Brightstar proposes encouraging him.
The three Jedi meet 0G-LC in the cockpit. Brightstar tells him that even Jedi experience fear but that being brave means facing one's fears. He says that he has friends by his side. Despite his fear of flying through the asteroid field, 0G-LC decides to give it a try so that he can complete his mission and return to Tenoo. Brightstar decides to contact Durango and update her. Later, Solay explains their plan to Durango, which involves Durango and RJ-83 flying in the Crimson Firehawk first with the rest following in the Star Seeker.
As they near the asteroid field, Brightstar and his friends offer encouragement to 0G-LC while Durango leads the way in the Crimson Firehawk. While Durango flies the ship, RJ-83 uses the gun turret to blow apart an asteroid. 0G-LC is fearful as they approach two asteroids. He finds an opening through the two asteroids and speeds through the narrow path. They rejoin the Crimson Firehawk outside the asteroid field. The Jedi are jubilant while 0G-LC is proud that he has overcome his fear.
Upon their return to Tenoo, 0G-LC presents an artifact containing a purple crystal to a pleased Master Zanna, who remarks that Jedi have been studying them for a long time. Having fulfilled his mission and regained his confidence, 0G-LC commits to continuing his exploration of new worlds, mentioning that he has visited 100 worlds. Brightstar states that they will stay informed of his location through the starship tracker. Solay invites 0G-LC to visit anytime. 0G-LC says goodbye to his Jedi friends and wishes that the Force will be with them before flying away in the Star Seeker.