The Hutt Gambit

The Hutt Gambit, penned by A. C. Crispin, stands as the second novel in the Star Wars Legends continuity. It is positioned as the middle installment of Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy, coming after The Paradise Snare and before Rebel Dawn. Bantam Spectra initially released it on August 11, 1997, and the entire trilogy saw a reprint within The Han Solo Trilogy in 1998.

Summary by the Publisher

Contained herein is the second novel within the celebrated trilogy, a tale previously untold of the young Han Solo. These narratives, predating the adventures seen in the Star Wars films, detail the formative years of the galaxy's most renowned swindler, smuggler, and thief.

Once a shining star at the Academy, Han Solo now exists as a fugitive evading the Imperial Navy. He has, however, gained a valuable ally in Chewbacca, a former Wookiee slave who has pledged a life debt to Han. Han will undoubtedly require all the assistance he can muster, as the Ylesian Hutts have tasked the formidable bounty hunter Boba Fett with locating the individual who once outwitted them. To complicate matters, Han and Chewie find themselves embroiled in even greater peril when they consent to work for the crime lords Jiliac and Jabba the Hutt. The two smugglers are unexpectedly thrust into a conflict between the might of the Empire and the deceit of their criminal associates – a battle where even triumph may lead to demise!

Synopsis of the Plot


Having been discharged from the Imperial Navy, Han Solo faces a period of misfortune. He has not only failed to realize his aspirations, but he also finds himself with a Wookiee who insists on honoring a life debt, persistently following him despite his objections and attempts to escape. Nevertheless, this Wookiee, known as Chewbacca, proves his value to Solo by rescuing him from an enraged Barabel following a sabacc game. Chewbacca's life debt originated from Solo's intervention in saving him from being brutally killed by Imperial slavers. Despite Solo's deep-seated aversion to slavers—stemming from witnessing their actions on Ylesia—he wishes the Wookiee had remained uninvolved. Solo views his actions as repayment to Dewlanna for her assistance in his escape from Garris Shrike nearly five years prior.

Seeking employment, Han Solo travels to Nar Shaddaa, the Smugglers' Moon. There, he and Chewbacca encounter various smugglers and begin working as transport pilots for Mako Spince, one of Han's former classmates. Solo also meets Shug Ninx, a skilled mechanic and proprietor of the well-known Spacebarn. With Spince's assistance, Solo secures an apartment in the Corellian sector, achieving a semblance of stability, as much as a smuggler can. However, a bounty placed on Solo by Teroenza attracts numerous bounty hunters to Nar Shaddaa, forcing Han and Chewbacca to evade their attacks. After gaining considerable flying experience over a few months, Solo seeks more significant opportunities and eventually pursues a career with Jabba the Hutt and Jiliac.

Hutt Conspiracy

Jabba and Jiliac, impressed by the young pilot's qualifications and experience, decide to engage him in smuggling spice across the Galaxy. Solo quickly demonstrates his proficiency to the Hutts, earning him more challenging and thrilling assignments, such as the notorious Kessel Run. During his initial Kessel Run, Solo is accompanied by Roa, a veteran smuggler and friend, to prevent any potential mishaps. Despite a somewhat turbulent first run, even Roa is struck by Solo's innate piloting talent.

Unbeknownst to Solo at first, Jiliac and Jabba are plotting to seize dominance among the Hutts by targeting the Besadii clan's spice refining operations on Ylesia. The smuggler narrowly escapes a savage pirate assault, which is attributed to the Besadii clan. Aruk the Hutt, leader of the Besadii clan, and his heir, Durga, are infuriated by these accusations. A Council convenes on Nal Hutta to address recent events, but the Besadii clan is found innocent of any wrongdoing. It is at this juncture that Jiliac and Jabba resolve that Aruk must be eliminated.

New Comrades, New Adversaries

Han Solo has never felt more content. Chewbacca has proven to be a highly competent and invaluable partner in the smuggling business. Solo has established himself as a top-tier smuggler in the galaxy, becoming Jabba's preferred choice. However, the substantial bounty offered by Teroenza for Solo remains active. Desperate, Teroenza enlists the services of the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunter: Boba Fett.

Besides smuggling and dodging Imperial customs vessels, Solo is enjoying life on Nar Shaddaa. He holds a particular fondness for two things: women and gambling. One such woman is Xaverri, an illusionist who captivates audiences throughout the galaxy with her spectacular magic shows. After witnessing her performance, Solo becomes acquainted with her, and their relationship deepens. Taking a break from smuggling for several weeks, Solo and Chewbacca join Xaverri, working as stagehands and occasionally participating in her shows. Xaverri, sympathetic to the smugglers' cause, eventually decides it is time for them to return to their home on Nar Shaddaa.

Following a particularly enjoyable evening with Xaverri, Solo is ambushed and shot with a toxic dart as he returns to his apartment. The toxin, originating from Ryloth, is a blue liquid that renders the victim incapable of willful action and completely obedient to the speaker. Terrified and immobilized, Solo realizes he has been targeted by a bounty hunter, who, unbeknownst to him, is Boba Fett.

Despite Solo's potential disagreement, subsequent events can only be attributed to the will of the Force. Lando Calrissian, a professional gambler and entrepreneur, desperately requires a skilled pilot and recognizes Han Solo's exceptional abilities. While searching for Solo, he witnesses his capture by Boba Fett. Not only does Calrissian wish to prevent harm to a potential associate, but he also harbors a deep dislike for bounty hunters. While Fett is occupied with Solo, Calrissian ambushes the bounty hunter, pressing a blaster against his neck. Powerless to resist, Fett is humiliated when the gambler injects him with the same toxin he used on Solo. Calrissian also secures the antidote for Solo and sets him free. However, they compel the bounty hunter to depart entirely. After Fett disarms himself, both Calrissian and Solo's consciences prevent them from killing even a bounty hunter in cold blood. Subsequently, Fett is forced to fly through Imperial Space. Once the toxin's effects wear off, Fett vows revenge against Solo and Calrissian, as few individuals have outsmarted him and lived to recount the tale.

Having gained a new friend and valuable ally in Lando Calrissian, Han Solo is obligated to select a ship from the gambler's used ship lot on Nar Shaddaa in exchange for teaching Calrissian how to fly. Solo chooses a battered freighter, which he names the Bria after his tragic first love, Bria Tharen. Calrissian, however, retains the lot's prize for himself. It is aboard that ship that Solo instructs Calrissian in flying, and it is the ship that captures Han Solo's heart: the Millennium Falcon.

Hutt Conflict

On Ylesia, business thrives, and the Besadii clan amasses unprecedented profits. However, not everyone is pleased. Following the death of Zavval, Aruk dispatches his nephew, Kibbick the Hutt, to oversee Teroenza and the t'landa Til "priests." Kibbick, however, proves to be a clumsy and inept individual. This further frustrates Teroenza, who contemplates seizing the Ylesian operation for himself. In addition to Aruk's refusal to finance Teroenza's exorbitant bounties on Han Solo and Bria Tharen, these factors drive Teroenza to respond to an outstanding offer from the Desilijic clan.

Teroenza succumbs to his frustration and contacts Jiliac. The two gangsters exchange views and concur that the best course of action would be to eliminate Aruk. Months prior, Teroenza discovered Aruk's insatiable craving for the nala tree frog and began shipping them by the tonne to Nal Hutta. Jiliac obtained an ultra-secretive toxin that is undetectable. The toxin functions by creating an addiction to itself, gradually rotting the consumer's brain over several weeks. Upon withdrawal from the consumer's diet, the individual dies of shock from the loss of the addictive poison. By exposing the nala tree frogs to trace amounts of the poison, Teroenza intends to kill Aruk through his own gluttony. Jiliac and Teroenza agree, and their plan succeeds.

Teroenza's seemingly endless shipments of nala tree frogs to Nal Hutta are indeed exposed to the toxin, and Aruk unknowingly becomes addicted to it. Despite suffering a near-stroke and seizure as a result of the toxin, not even his son Durga suspects the cause. Aruk's physician recommends exercise and advises against uncontrolled gluttony. Aruk argues that a Hutt of his age and influence can do as he pleases. When Teroenza ships one final case of nala tree frogs devoid of the toxin, Aruk goes into shock and soon dies a most agonizing death as his brain hemorrhages.

Durga, unlike Kibbick, is very astute and immediately understands that Aruk's death involved foul play, despite the fact that no physician can detect any foreign substances. Nevertheless, Durga seizes control of Besadii despite reservations about his unusual birthmark, which, according to Hutt legend, is an evil omen. Durga quickly establishes himself as the rightful clan leader and, with the assistance of Black Sun, orchestrates a series of fatal "accidents" for his detractors. With Besadii firmly under his control, he has Aruk's corpse frozen and dispatched to Coruscant. Durga intends to hire the most capable forensics team in the entire Galactic Empire to uncover the true cause of death.

The Conflict on Nar Shaddaa

Across the galaxy, Rebel activity has reached unprecedented levels, prompting Palpatine to suppress it before it escalates further. One of the sectors targeted for Imperial retribution is the lawless expanse of Hutt Space, particularly Nar Shaddaa. Moff Sarn Shild has been bribed by the Hutts for years but he denounces his corruption with the aim of rising through Imperial ranks. Despite the pleas of the Hutts, he was stalwart in his resolve to level Nar Shaddaa.

Desperate to avert such a catastrophe, the Hutts reconvene on Nal Hutta and resolve to offer anything to Shild to prevent the attack. Having superseded Besadii as the supreme Hutt clan, Jiliac and Jabba select Han to visit Shild on Coruscant due to his familiarity with Imperial military procedure. Reluctantly, Han Solo returns to Coruscant to meet with Shild. Upon his arrival, Solo is horrified to discover an old friend with Shild: Bria Tharen. To anyone unaware of her mission—including Solo—Tharen appears to be Shild's mistress. Shocked and devastated at seeing her that way after all those years, Solo left Shild both unsuccessful and emotionally distraught. Unbeknownst to Solo, however, Tharen was working undercover for the Corellian Resistance and spying on Shild. She, too, was devastated at Solo's reaction.

The one accomplishment Han Solo achieves on Coruscant is learning that Admiral Winstel Greelanx will be commanding the attack force. Again, Solo is dispatched to meet Greelanx and offer any bribe he can. Greelanx accepts an exorbitant bribe in the form of precious gems in exchange for his battle plans, giving the defenders of Nar Shaddaa a fighting chance. Solo returns to Nar Shaddaa with the plans. Along with Mako Spince, Shug Ninx, and others, Han Solo devises a plan to defend Nar Shaddaa from the Empire. His friend Xaverri even returns to assist their effort.

Unbeknownst to the smugglers, however, the Admiral receives a mysterious priority transmission commanding him to retreat at the first believable opportunity and allow the smugglers to "win." Greelanx is puzzled but complies. When the Empire attacks Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' fleet is prepared after numerous drills. Although the battle does not proceed entirely as planned, the smugglers manage to defeat the Imperial forces. Despite significant casualties, the smugglers emerge victorious, and Nar Shaddaa survives the Empire's wrath.

Following the battle, Solo delivers the gems to Greelanx. Before he can return, however, he witnesses Greelanx's execution at the hands of Darth Vader from an adjoining room. Solo hastily returns to Nar Shaddaa, relieved but shaken. Having won the battle, Solo and Chewbacca resume smuggling, as does everyone else. The Bria is now little more than flying scrap, and the smuggler decides it is time for a replacement. Lando Calrissian informs Solo about an upcoming sabacc tournament on Cloud City he will be attending. Solo decides to attend as well, hoping to win enough to purchase a new ship. Meanwhile, the Moff in charge of Hutt space finds himself facing the most significant and final decision of his life. Moff Shild is aware that the imperial loss at the Battle of Nar Shaddaa will not be well-received by Palpatine. So falling back on an old childhood memory, he tries to decide his own death. By blaster or by poison?

Production Notes

During the development phase of Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy, in the initial stages of writing The Hutt Gambit, Lucasfilm requested and instructed author A. C. Crispin to omit Han Solo's first meeting with Chewbacca.

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