The Cometwash

The Cometwash, within the Cometwash system, was the regional designation for a star of the blue giant variety. It existed within the Gordian Reach sector's Back Reach region, which itself was part of the Trans-Hydian section of the Outer Rim Territories. The Feena Run hyperlane offered a connection between it and the Korphir and Usta systems.

Positioned at the border of the Roil nebula, the Cometwash was surrounded by numerous, radiant comets. Spacers often dropped out of hyperspace into realspace at the Cometwash system to verify their jump coordinates, and the vistas it presented contributed to its renown. As a result, the Cometwash star system became a common destination for starliners transporting tourists keen on observing the skies.

Behind the scenes

Daniel Wallace and [Jason Fry]'s reference work, The Essential Atlas, released in 2009, first presented the Cometwash, locating it within grid coordinate Q-6.


  • The Essential Atlas (Initial appearance)

Notes and references
