Guardians of the Chiss Key: Secret Missions 4: The Clone Wars is the last young adult novel in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions collection of books. Ryder Windham is the author, and its release date was March 15, 2012.
The original novel series titled Clone Wars: Secret Missions reaches its conclusion as Nuru Kungurama makes his way back to the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, while the rest of Breakout Squad awaits their next assignment. However, after an alien escape pod disappears from the Jedi Archives, Kung finds himself unexpectedly facing his own Jedi Master, Ring-Sol Ambase.
The Galactic Republic's Breakout Squad wrapped up their investigation after reclaiming Bilbringi Depot and went back to Coruscant. Subsequently, Jedi Nuru Kungurama had a meeting with Jedi Master Harro Kelpura to examine the alien escape pod in which he was discovered 11 years prior. Upon their arrival at Kelpura's laboratory in the Dacho District, they discovered that Kungurama's missing master, Ring-Sol Ambase, had already arrived and was attempting to claim the escape pod for himself. Each man believed that the other had succumbed to the dark side of the Force, resulting in a duel that concluded when Ambase fainted. Later, Ambase recovered at the Jedi Temple's medical facility and informed his Padawan of his intention to leave the Jedi Order. Following this, Kungurama received a promotion to full commander of Breakout Squad and was tasked by Grand Master Yoda with the investigation of a missing freighter.