Tharil Tavira was a male Human Grand Moff within the Imperial forces. Emperor Palpatine himself selected him to govern Eiattu 6 during the Galactic Civil War. Despite being a married man, he engaged in a romantic relationship with a young local girl named Leonia. After his wife experienced an abrupt and unforeseen death, he proceeded to marry Leonia. Shortly thereafter, he suffered a debilitating stroke, resulting in paralysis.
Treatment was not possible due to a rare allergy to bacta. Confronted with a potentially prolonged and agonizing recovery, and with no assurance of a successful outcome, Tharil ultimately committed suicide. Leonia succeeded him as Governor of Eiattu, and some individuals suspected her involvement in orchestrating both the demise of his first wife and his stroke.
It is sometimes suggested that Grand Moff Tavira held dominion over the entirety of Ado sector, not just Eiattu 6. However, there doesn't appear to be any canon evidence to support this assertion. His priority sector may have been restricted to the single planet, or perhaps merely its encompassing star system.
Furthermore, there exists some ambiguity regarding Tharil Tavira's official title: initially, he is identified as a Grand Moff within the narrative, and the insignia that Leonia is typically depicted wearing corresponds to this rank. However, she is consistently referred to as simply a Moff.
In Star Wars Handbook 1: X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Tavira is mentioned under the name "Thavil Tavira."