Thak Val Zsing

Thak Val Zsing was a crimson-bearded Human male hailing from Ord Cestus. A murderer, his great-grandfather, had been exiled to that planet. Initially, he worked as a history professor, but he was laid off due to government budget reductions in social initiatives, which compelled him to work as a miner. Approximately around 51 BBY, he assumed leadership of the terrorist organization known as Desert Wind. He had an affinity for consuming Chandrilan brandy.

He continued to lead Desert Wind until the Battle of Ord Cestus, which took place circa 22 BBY. In the closing stages of the battle, he detonated himself with a mine to destroy a JK-13 combat droid, severely damaging it. This act of self-sacrifice enabled CT-96/298 to obliterate the central base of operations for the Five Families. When he died, he was survived by at least two grandchildren.

